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Regular Donations

Your donation will enable us to help more families, and to prevent surplus food from going to landfill.

Thank you for choosing to help Water Eaton Community Hub. Your donation will make a real difference to families and individuals in Milton Keynes who are struggling with food poverty and help us to prevent surplus food from going to landfill.

Should you wish to make a regular donation to Water Eaton Community Hub, such as a monthly or annual donation, then you can do this by setting up a standing order with your bank, using the details provided below.

Account Name: Water Eaton Community Larder
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 55588560
Bank: Lloyds Bank

Whichever way you choose to donate; as a UK Taxpayer you can increase your donation by 25p for every £1 donated by completing the Gift Aid Form below.

Thank you. Your contribution will enable us to help more people to get out of food poverty and to eliminate food waste in Milton Keynes.